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    What Is The National Union of Students and How Can You Benefit From It

    When you become a student in the UK, you can join the National Union of Students (NUS).


    But what is the National Union of Students (NUS)?

    The National Union of Students is an organisation that aims to “promote, defend and extend the rights of students.” They stand for fighting discrimination, isolation and injustice towards students through campaigns and democratic representation.

    They support a range of student matters to ensure that the issues affecting students are addressed, to better their lives and make sure they are treated fairly, justly and have all the information they need to succeed.

    They were formed in 1922 and have since worked tirelessly with students, student unions and higher education institutions to improve higher education and the lives of students.

    Over 600 student unions are members of NUS which allows the organisation to have a completely student led, national voice.


    Why should you join?

    There are many benefits to joining NUS.

    The most obvious and immediate benefit is the NUS membership card that you receive which allows you to get discounts on a range of stores. You can save money on everything from beauty products and clothes, to restaurants and entertainment services.

    But that’s not all.

    Being a member of NUS means you can get involved in a range of campaigns. From environmental and civil rights issues, to welfare, tuition fees and education issues, you can dedicate your time to making university, and the world, a better place.

    Being a part of important campaigns and movements not only is a great way to spend your free time, it also looks good on your CV for future employees. It shows you have passion for certain issues and are willing to stand up for them.

    NUS currently has around 7 million members – and you should be one of them.

    Whether you’re looking to join our English school in Manchester or Liverpool, make sure you join the NUS.