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    Preparing For The IELTS Test

    At NCG, we know that having the right IELTS score is hugely important when it comes to proving proficiency with the English language, in order to enter a top university.

    Which is why we make it not only easy to study English, at one of our English Language Schools – we also offer all the tailored tuition and help you need to prepare for your IELTS.

    As well as improving your actual score, there are numerous benefits to properly preparing for the IELTS test

    The benefits preparation can bring:


    Knowing your level

    Perhaps people, like friends and family, have already told you that you speak English well but without getting an objective assessment of your proficiency, you might never understand your true level. This won’t be the case with the IELTS test, as you’ll be accurately measured against rigorous global standards.


    Gaining greater knowledge

    Through taking the IELTS test, you’ll gain a much deeper understanding of the English language. As you continue to study English, you’ll become much more familiar with the type of language required for undergraduate or postgraduate study.


    Improving more language skills

    When taking an IELTS test, you won’t just be tested on one or two areas when it comes to your English language skills, you’ll get the opportunity to be tested in all four skill areas. Instead of favouring just one skill like many students, you’ll be practicing and improving your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills – making you fully prepared for success.


    Be more motivated

    Putting off work for another day is all too easy, especially when you don’t have any clear goals or objectives in mind. Taking an IELTS test will help to give you all the focus and motivation you need, as you’ll have a clear aim to study English and improve your chances of success.


    Get a recognised certification

    By preparing for, taking, and ultimately passing your IELTS test, you’ll be awarded with certification that is recognised all over the world. You’ll get the chance to be accepted by universities, companies and other institutions everywhere, opening up many more doors for you to continue developing both your studies and career.

    We understand that it isn’t easy to study English, and that preparing for an IELTS test can be daunting and stressful. But that’s why we’re here.


    At NCG, we want to help you study English in the best way possible, at any one of our English Language schools – and if you’re looking for help to prepare for your IELTS or you need to get your English up to examination level, then we’ve got the right courses for you.