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    Staying Healthy as a Student

    Once you’ve been a student for a while. It’s not uncommon to find you might have put on a bit of weight. Living away from home, in a new environment and with different people can cause you to relax your eating habits and your exercise regime.

    It’s actually something that happens to a lot of students. So much so that in America there’s actually a term for it – “the Freshman 15.” Freshman referring to new students and 15 referencing the number of pounds they put on!

    If you want to avoid the Freshman 15 and just stay generally healthy whilst you’re studying – here are a few tips for you to keep in mind.


    Limit your junk food

    Whilst you’re living as a student, it can be tempting to grab quick, cheap food on the go. More often than not this comes in the form of unhealthy junk food. It’s so easy to snack on burgers, chips, takeaways and sugary drinks that the weight can creep on you before you know it. Learning how to cook can help to combat this. Knowing how to cook healthy and hearty meals means you’ll be less likely to take the lazy option of ordering a takeaway. It’s also useful to carry around healthy snacks so you’re less likely to reach for something unhealthy in between classes.


    Join a sports club

    Every university has a variety of sports clubs that you can join to keep fit. Whether you’re into team sports such as hockey, football or basketball, or you fancy just keeping fit by joining the gym – your institution is sure to have the facilities for you. Getting exercise isn’t only great for keeping your body fit, but it can do wonders for your mental wellbeing.


    Ensure you get enough sleep

    The start of your studies can be a real whirlwind. With deadlines looming, lots of classes to juggle and extracurricular activities to fit in, it can be tempting to sacrifice sleep. However, whilst it’s fine to have the odd late night study session, you should always aim to get a full night’s sleep. Lack of sleep can cause you to gain weight, become less focused and can give you mood swings. Not a healthy combination!


    Make yourself aware of your local health centres

    When you’re studying in a new country, it can be easy to forget about sorting out the basics. And registering with a doctor is one of them. Most universities have their own doctor’s surgery on campus but if not you’ll find one in the city. This makes it so much easier to keep on top of your health and any medicine you need. It’s also wise to make yourself aware of any drop in centres and hospitals in case of emergency.


    Whether you’re studying at our English school in Manchester or you’ve moved onto university, it’s important to keep healthy whilst you’re studying as it will really help you get the most out of your education.